Thursday, July 24, 2008

Open letter to Crack Whore

Dearest Crack Whore,

SO....I see you got your ass busted again! Run out of money to pay the "Pee-Pee" people so they SAY that your tests are clean?

Your sister (my BFF) and I had you pegged back when she was home in March. You are and always have been a crack head whore. You say--"No, no, I'm clean--I'm good" all the while you are shaking like a dog shitting razor blades. You were tweaking so bad at dinner that night at Magdalena's that I was getting exhausted just watching you bounce around.

You think we are stupid and have no clue--and that little meth faced whore who came and picked you up that night--well f-k her too--she tried to be all "cool and big"--well sweetheart, I could tear her apart without much effort.

Your life is ruled by one thing--the crack. Your parents--who are too old to be putting up with this shit--have custody of your bastard kids, you have NOTHING that a welfare check has not provided for you, you cannot drive, you cannot hold a job, you own nothing--and when you do clean up for a month or two and you spend MY tax money on stuff for the house your parents rent for you--you then have to turn around and sell it to pay for your next fix. You are pathetic! I hate what you have done and continue to do to your family. I cannot believe that you have not just been turned out by them.

How did your court appearance go the other day? Will you be sitting your ass back in jail? Will CPS finally take your kids from you all together? Your Mom and Dad have been generous enough to let you see them while they raise them--but I think that it's time for that to stop as well. You are worthless--as long as the crack has it's hold on you, I AND your sister are done with your shit.

Rot in hell bitch.


Kelley said...

Will this be on Intervention soon?

Anonymous said...

Oh the time is past for intervention. She is a hopeless case who will most likely be found dead in a ditch some day due to her "friends" in low places.