Thursday, May 7, 2009

How much for a cloning machine?

OK--anyone know of a cloning machine that I can get on the cheap or at least borrow for next week???

Why does everyone and their brother decided that EVERYTHING must happen all in the same week and mostly at the same time as other activities in my house?

Between MULTIPLE dance rehearsal/dress rehearsals/rehearsal to rehearse the rehearsal/New LatchKey sign up/school events/work/the actual recital, etc I find myself needing to be in multiple locations at the same time next week.

I think that I am going to go to my "happy place" (ie: Bottle of Smirnoff) this weekend to prepare myself for the onslaught of crazy that awaits. Oh--don't worry, I'm making hubby do his fair share, but I JUST KNOW that important information is going to slip thru the cracks and that will make for another mess for me to clean up.

It's not wrong to spend Mother's Day drunk when you ARE the mom right?

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