OK--First of all--3 posts in 3 days! Control yourselves people and don't get used to it. I just have "stuff" finally going on in my sad little life!
DD had her dance pictures last night. The costume is a little "daring" for an 8 year old, but who am I to say so--the dance people love it. But I got her ready and my heart just ached with her beauty. I know we all wonder how it goes by so fast--but REALLY--must she look like she is 13?
She fought me like a banshee when it came time to put on the eye makeup--and I just told her REMEMBER how much this sucks so that in 4 years or so you will not BEG me to plaster this crap on your face every single day. If I was smart, I would have done a video of her having a total meltdown about putting on mascara--I would then run it at night in her bedroom so it slips into her subconscious and she'll never want to wear the stuff.
Anyheeww--an hour of squealing little girls and writing out a check to the photographer that made me want to puke (really--how can they get away with charging that kind of money for dance pics?--for crying out loud, this is not Senior pictures or anything)--we were headed back home--only 3 weeks until the recital and our dance season is over for another year!! YEAH!!! BUt once we got home--the little shit wanted to parade around in her makeup--NO--I DON'T WANT TO TAKE IT OFF. I LOOK PRETTY!! Ugh--and so it begins....
She is beautiful! And I agree with you on this growing up too quickly business. They need to quit! The other night I looked at my son and saw that the baby-fat is going away, and I'm getting glimpses of the teenager that will soon be a part of my life. And it scares the crap out of me!
Maybe if you tell her what mascara is made out of, she'll want nothing to do with it!
Maybe YOU should tell ME what it's made of so I don't want to use it anymore!!!
What's it made of? LG sits and wonders...nervously
Well, I don't know for sure if it still is, but I do know that the little pink and green tube used to be made with...
bat guano!! And if you're not sure what bat guano is, go watch a couple of eppys of 'Dirty Jobs'. It's sure to turn up!
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