Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day Karma and other musings

OK--so the heater is fixed--yeah! We had that going for us and we had a really nice weekend before the Thanksgiving crazy began--good quality family time--relaxing.

Then Karma decided to rear her ugly head and be a bitch.....I guess complaining about having to suffer thru cats and insanity came back to bite my ass in the way of a KIDNEY STONE PASSING. I spent Monday and Tuesday puking my guts out from pain. Wednesday, I dragged myself into work for a bit so I could still pimp out the holiday pay--then I returned to my bed. I didn't go to my in-laws (and hubby in his self centered little way was pissed). So I got out of one form of suffering, but having to suffer in another way. Whatever.

Saw my family for a little bit on Friday and then went back home to my bed--where I stayed until Sunday afternoon. I have to say, I am feeling a little bit better--the stone has moved out of the kidney area and more down into the groin. Is this an overshare?????????? anyhow--from what I remember of the other stone I passed--this puppy should be working it's way "out" sometime this week. In the meantime--I get to pee into a strainer to try and catch the little sucker so the Dr's can test it. YEEEEHAAA! It sucks getting old.

The upside to all of this is I didn't indulge in the usual food gorging of 2008--and with all the puking, I am down 10 lbs!!!!! Now, the trick is to keep it off!

Facebook.....whoever got me started on that should be shot--I'm addicted!!

Mork and Mindy Reruns ALL DAY on Friday--why in the hell did we think that show was so good back then???? I had a "Epic Hair Fail" moment when I saw Mindy with the one ponytail pulled over to one side of her head--OMG--so embarassed that I ever did that!!

Neighbors got a new puppy and I got to see it yesterday--so darn cute--such a face. He's a Westie--I'm in lurve with him!

I'm spent!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Sorry to hear about the kidney stone. Boy, when you want to get out of a holiday, you really go about it the hard way!

Chickenhead and the husband watched Mork and Mindy all day Friday. I watched some when I got home and wondered, 'what the hell'.

Facebook is like crack!