Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Auld Lang something or other

Well friends, here we are at the end of 2010.  Really?  How did this year go by so fast?  It seemed like winter would never end and then once March arrived, the year flew by so fast.  Maybe it's me getting old, but how does it happen?  How does time speed up like that?  Sigh.....

This year has had it's ups and downs (less downs now that I am medicated--haha!)--outlaw troubles still abound-(-let's not even talk about how rotten they were about the holidays this year!) and I'm sure 2011 won't change that a bit.  Hubby is still enjoying his job, my work is getting busier--which is a huge relief to me that it won't be going under anytime soon.  I may be running about like a loon at work with so much to do, but at least I am employed and really do like 99.9% of the people I work with :)

2011 has some fun things coming and I cannot wait--I have a big event coming up in about 2 weeks that I will share with you once it happens.  I'm excited, but terribly nervous as well--it's kind of a big thing and I just hope all goes smooth with it.

I don't make resolutions--it just sets you up for failure--so I will just try to be the best "Lurker Girl" that I can be once again. 

I wish you all peace and happiness, prosperity and love, and most of all, a wonderful and blessed New Year!

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