Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Cow farts in Kansas...............

So the price of EVERYTHING will go up

OK--I can totally appreciate what the folks along the Ole Miss are going thru--we've done the flooding thing here to recently and it's terrible. I pray for those people and their families..BUT......

I really think there must be a total lack of things going on in the world since every news agency has to take every disaster and turn it into another "THE COST OF EVERYTHING WILL EXPLODE" story.

Christ on the Cross people, flooding and crop loss happen EVERY STINKING YEAR somewhere in the country. When you go off on a half-cocked story, the speculators JUMP at the chance to raise prices. Our country and it's finances are about to implode anyway--let's not go running willy nilly with every story. It just seems as though everyone is LOOKING for something even more horrible to happen--and when you feed the animal--of course it's going to get hungry for more.

I wouldn't worry about those crop failures--I'd be more worried about the Peace between Hamas and Israel--isn't that one of the first signs of the tribulation starting? IF so, we are in a whole heck of a lot more trouble than some corn shortages...


Elaine said...

THANK YOU! Seriously I have nothing to add to that because you're so right.

Anonymous said...

"I'd be more worried about the Peace between Hamas and Israel--isn't that one of the first signs of the tribulation starting?" Bravissima!!! I've been saying the same thing! And what about the Euro? That freaked me out too, 'cause isn't one world currency another sign? Why don't people people pay attention to THOSE things?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah--we've broken into the Seventh Seal with the latest happenings.

I'm not a bible thumper by any means--but you can only hear so many people start talking about it until you start putting 2 & 2 together. I better "get right with God" preety soon or my seat in hell will be secure!! --haha

Kelley said...

I'll be hosting happy hour at the bar in hell at the rate I'm going...